Kennywood Holiday Lights – A Christmas Tradition for Families

When it comes to Kennywood, Pittsburgh's nearest theme park, we often visit in the summer months to ride as many roller coasters and eat as many potato patch fries as we can stomach.

One thing we never experienced was the park's annual Holiday Lights display. So you know when our friends at Kennywood invited us to check them out that we jumped at the chance.

Fast forward a few days to our visit, and it only took a few minutes in the park to realize something very important- it is the perfect Christmas outing for families.

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A Musical Christmas Carol – A Holiday Classic by the Pittsburgh CLO

The Pittsburgh CLO has one purpose, and that is to celebrate musical theater. Since its founding in 1946, the Pittsburgh CLO has done just that through its Summer Series of shows, the CLO Cabaret with shows year-round, the Pittsburgh CLO Academy performing arts school, and its CLO Construction Center for the Arts that builds sets for shows in Pittsburgh and across the country.

We recently checked out the Pittsburgh CLO's performance of A Musical Christmas Carol at the Byham, which is a fantastic way to get in the Christmas spirit in Pittsburgh.

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10 Must See Attractions During Christmas in Pittsburgh

Christmas is one of the most popular holidays in Pittsburgh, and there is a very good reason for it- there is so much to do!

In fact, over the course of our exploration of the city we've found nine incredible holiday activities to enjoy in the region, meaning you can enjoy something holiday-related every weekend from Light Up Night all the way until Christmas day.

For more about each highlight in this list, click the link in the description to read more!

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Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum Features History

The Western Pennsylvania Model Railroad Museum (WPMRM for short) is a truly unique museum in the region as it has been able to stand the test of time in its permanent location in Gibsonia, PA, just north of Pittsburgh.

For model railroads, a substantial effort is required just to plan and build a display in the first place, and that is all before other traditional museum logistics come in to play like opening the space for visitors, generating revenue, hiring employees, and more. You're likely to see model railroads in other museums as a small portionย of a larger theme, but at the WPMRM theย only features are model trains, and what aย beautiful design it is.

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Halloween in Pittsburgh at Kennywood Phantom Fright Nights

Kennywood absolutely loves going all out around theย holidays, and no event is perhaps more extreme than the Phantom Fright Nights in the month of October.

During this event, Kennywood transforms itself into a theme park of horrors with severalย haunted houses, many scare zones, and several of the park's best rides open to enjoy.

When our friends at the park invited us out to enjoy the scares, you know we had to go.

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Haunted Pittsburgh – Downtown Ghost Tour for a Fright

Pick any city in the world, and odds are good there are a few ghost stories to be told. Pittsburgh is no different, and the city once described as “hell with the lid off” is said to be just as haunted as the rest.

To seek out the city's supernatural side, we booked a tour with Haunted Pittsburgh to learn aboutย some of downtown Pittsburgh's most famous hauntings.

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Christmas in Pittsburgh – The City Comes Alive for Holidays

If you're looking to experience some holiday cheer this year, you should definitely plan a visit to downtown Pittsburgh where you'll find an incredible collection of Christmas displays, a European winter market, and so much more!

So what all can you expect to enjoy when heading downtown for the holidays? ย The following are some of our favorites from our latest visit!

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