Since starting Discover the Burgh in 2015, it has been our mission to help inspire and encourage others to get out and explore Pittsburgh and southwest Pennsylvania.
In late 2024, we decided to take this idea one step further and launch an event series to have our readers come join us in our exploration of the region to share all the best the city has to offer first-hand. As such, we're looking for great businesses to partner with for our upcoming events!
If you own a local business and are looking to host an event, read on to check out what kind of experiences we are looking to feature.
About The Discover the Burgh Meetup Series
As part of our meetup series, there is one theme that we want to focus on for our guests- exclusive experiences.
We want to go above and beyond for our readers and provide an experience they may not otherwise be able to get on their own as a customer. As such, we're looking for meet up events that may match some of the following themes, specifically in the realm of local attractions, day tours, restaurants, and bars/breweries/distilleries:
- A guided tour of a museum/attraction with exclusive or behind-the-scenes elements not offered on conventional tours
- A happy hour meetup previewing a new menu before release and/or with a custom product created for the event
- Trying a new restaurant during soft open before general public availability
- Workshops or classes with custom designs/experience
- Access to a private experience/business that is otherwise not available to the general public
Ultimately, we want to introduce our readers to fun experiences in the city and give them a little more value for a unique look they can't get anywhere else. So if you have an idea that works within this style, we'd love to hear from you!
Our pricing model for hosted events can include a fixed fee from tickets, profit sharing off of final orders, and more- customizable to the experience to ensure value for all.
That said, we are not a tour company. We sell our meetup events on behalf of your business, and all legal requirements, insurance, liability releases, etc. must be provided from your business.
Contact Us About an Event
Want to talk more about hosting a Discover the Burgh meetup event? Use the contact form below to let us know a bit more about your business, capacity, and event ideas and we'll get back to you shortly!
Please note that contacting us via the form below does not guarantee we will be able to host an event. We reserve the right to decline event opportunities for any reason.